- IMPROVED: MVR import.
- IMPROVED: GDTF import.
- IMPROVED: Webview.
- IMPROVED: Softpatch window.
- IMPROVED: Update control panel when RDM mode has been modified.
- IMPROVED: Log time notation.
- IMPROVED: Performance
- NEW: The option to hide / show a tool in the web tools.
- NEW: Link speed status in device view.
- NEW: When doing address testing a "matrix pixel" fixture it is useful to identify the first and last pixel with a different color.
- NEW: Message in log when fixture library update is available.
- NEW: Preference setting to be able to select network items from LSC and Vari-Lite.
- NEW: Duplicate draw item.
- NEW: Replace fixture dialog when fixture is not found in library.
- NEW: Buddy Status Color in Network Item Canvas.
- FIX: A bug when working with SwitchGBx 10 and SwitchGBx 18 having the same ID.
- FIX: Bug causing a crash on OSX when closing app.
- FIX: Bug causing a crash when clicking view universe in the Resource Tree.
- FIX: Bug causing a crash when adding a new tab.
- FIX: Minor bug fixes.
- NEW: Full graphic UI overhaul, modernizing the look and feel of the application
- NEW: Add recourse tree for quick and easy navigation
- NEW: Add flex tab to quickly show the details of the selected item
- NEW: Add Device graphics in the device tab
- NEW: Implement drag and drop, from resource tree to device graphics, EG; Universe to DMX port or VLAN to Network port
- NEW: Implement MVR import
- NEW: Implement Web view, to configure non ELC devices with a web interface
- NEW: Implement PSN viewer
- NEW: Implement MA2-net viewer
- NEW: Implement MA3-net viewer
- NEW: Include slave node dmx port config in export
- FIX: Improve GDTF import
- FIX: Improve filter speed
- FIX: Resolve file location issue
- FIX: Improve auto groups, creating separate groups for same device type with various modes
- FIX: Improve dmx backup logging
- FIX: Resolve memory leak on matrix pixels in plan-view.
- FIX: Resolve offset in universe ID column in decimal mode
- FIX: Resolve draw object Y position not editable from property grid
- FIX: Programming single slave port failed
- FIX: GDTF Libary bug
- FIX: Store control VLAN in file
- RDM-QR implemented
- Note and Info column added to csv export
- Print fixture list on current sort
- Show porperties to update on inequalities detected option added
- FIX: crash when adding device which requires IP
- FIX: add multiple network items inconsistent universes
- FIX: dont program control VLAN for swithces
- DMX backup functions implemented
- Improved handeling of unresponsive rdm devices
- Show file summary added to csv export
- Softpach in and export changed to CSV for easy edit
- Add multiple network items added to add network item wizzard
- IGMP option added to switchGBX ports
- Port programming changed ports only
- FIX: Unwanted colapse of property sub menues
- FIX: UTF16 in csv/xml import was not supported right
- FIX: Importing csv sometimes forgot certain items.
- FIX: Softpatch on serial led ports
- FIX: Patch fixture to slave node port
- FIX: Adding a node with output ports without a universe assigned.
- FIX: Failing programming of nodes
- Withdrawn
- Bugfix Softpatch Slave 2 and up
- Bugfix Import without ID column
- Bugfix Default Library location
- Bugfix Crash when VLANs are used
- Bugfix RDM on slave ports
- Bugfix Play scene
- Bugfix SwitchGBX loop config
- Bugfix unwanted inequalities pop-up
- Improved Portsnames on SwitchGBX
- Improved Chat Panel
- Fixed Bug Firmware Update
- Improved Replacing Nodes
- Fixed Bug for Draw Object Connection
- Added Auto match universes in the import cvs/xml wizard
- Improved Chat
- Support for the new dmXLAN Nodes and Switches
- WebServer improvements
- Speed improvements
- Various Bug Fixes
- Update to the latest Fixture Library when connected to the internet (Utilities -> Update Fixture Library)
- Added Chat panel (View -> Show Chat Panel)
- Improved Detect sACN Universe
- Improved Download files from other dmXLAN computers on the network
- Improved Webserver
- Improved RDM Communication
- General Stability and Speed Improvements